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Glossary List
- Anarchy
- Ballard, J.G.
- Bateson, Gregory
- Baudrillard, Jean
- Bob
- Brain Toys
- Burroughs, William S.
- Cellular Automata
- Chaos
- Cracker
- Crowley, Aleister
- Cryonics
- Cultural Terrorism
- Cybernetics
- Cyberpunk
- Cyberspace
- Deconstructionism
- Deleuze and Guattari
- Detournement
- Drugs
- Feedback
- Fractals
- Gaia Theory
- Game Theory
- Gibson, William
- Gomi
- Hacker
- Hofmann, Albert
- Kode Kids
- Laidlaw, Marc
- Lanier, Jaron
- Leary, Timothy
- Libertarianism
- Lilly, John
- The Matrix
- Memes
- Nanotechnology
- Phreaking
- P'Orridge, Genesis
- Post-Modernism
- Post-Structuralism
- Pynchon, Thomas
- Rucker, Rudy
- Shiner, Lewis
- Shirley, John
- Simulacra
- Situationist International
- Slack
- Smart Drugs
- Steampunk
- Sterling, Bruce
- Transhumanism
- Virtual Reality
- Virus
- Wilson, Peter L.
- Wilson, Robert A.
- Zine
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© 1998 The Computer Lab
Gareth Branwyn - garethbranwyn@mac.com
WebMaster: PeterS10@aol.com
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