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The Johnny Nemo Magazine

New London, circa 2921. Johnny Nemo, private eye, is hired by the sister of a dead "death-aura juice" junkie to locate and kill the drug ringleader, Sid Cafe. With the help of his sexually active robot secretary, Nemo punches, slices, and shoots his way through the roughest death-junkie bars in Lower East New London to solve his case. Not even his aging punk parents are spared Nemo's selfish and violent modus operandi. British writer/artist team Ewins and Milligan are famous for their crisp humorous drawing and Chandler-from-hell scripting.

(M. Frauenfelder)


The Johnny Nemo Magazine
Story - Pete Milligan
Art - Brett Ewins
Eclipse Comics

Here is the TEXT POPUP for The Johnny Nemo Magazine:

A chain-smoker and hard-core dipsomaniac, Johnny Nemo replaces his lungs and liver bimonthly at the local organ bank.

Besides relying on Kalina, his chrome-plated robot secretary and sex partner, Nemo depends on his intelligent pink Rolls-Royce hovercar to pull him out of tight spots.

"It's coming to something when you can't eat a quiet bowl of pasta with a vicious thug and discuss a trail of death and torture left by a nefarious substance called 'death-juice' in peace. But that's New London for you. Crawling
with scum ..." - Johnny Nemo

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