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NASA Tech Briefs

"NASA Tech Briefs" is a monthly report of findings from NASA's far-flung research sites.

Would you like to see the latest design for an adjustable laser-light sheet generator? Or, perhaps you've lost your mind and you're looking for the latest research on biologically-grown computers. It's all here! Rumor has it that Survival Research Labs has gotten some of its ideas from these pages. There are also frequent articles that may be of interest to low-end VR developers.

Every street techie should sign up for a subscription. Although the articles are brief and not very "how-to," you can request more information, most of it for free. Subscribers also get access to NASA's Technological Utilization Network, a listing of sites and contacts for specific application problems. Subscription rates for non-qualified subscribers are $75/year or $125/2 years; more for overseas. You can get a free subscription if you meet their qualificationswhich shouldn't be too hard if you have any kind of job in the technical or scientific fields. Write for a qualification form.

(G. Branwyn)


NASA Tech Briefs
41 East 42nd Street, Suite 921
New York, NY 10017
Free to qualified subscribers

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© 1998 The Computer Lab
Gareth Branwyn -

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