New TiVo Desktop Sneak Peek

Our fine feathered friends over at Engadget have an exclusive first look at the new TiVo Desktop Software (version 2.1). It looks as though TiVo, Inc is already fully engaged in the cat and mouse game of fighting against unauthorized file copying. There appearsto be a built in access control list that prevents certain apps (such as Dr. DivX) from accessing the .tivo media files. Some other format conversion/disc-burner programs still work (for now anyway). On the TiVoToGo playback interface, Dave Zatz writes:

It offers the familiar green status bar, Tivo functions such as replay, and TiVo sound effects. The software makes it pretty easy to see which codecs and filters are being used and to make changes if needed. Second a little more good news. It seems they are phasing out the TiVo Playback Password…

DIY iPod Stand

Cory over at BoingBoing LOVES cardboard models and toys (aka “papercraft”). I sorta do too, but I have no patience to build ’em. I have a half-built, badly folded and sloppily-glued Chartres Cathedral model somewhere in my attic to attest to my skills. But I digress. Cory’s posted a link to a cool, and relatively easy to make, iPod stand. Looks like this guy made his out of the iPod box.

WristClip Mobile Phone Holder

[Editor’s Note: This is obviously an “ad” from the maker of this product, submitted here as a blog item, but with this caveat, I decided to post it anyway, in case anyone is interested in this type of tech. And you thought your MSN Direct watch made you look like a geek! -Gar]

So many things we own tell the time. So why wear a watch when you can clip you mobile phone right onto your wrist? The WristClip & WristCase are the answer.

Made of hi-quality PVC or leather, rivets and a wide variety of durable plastic clips compatible with many popular phones.

Original Clear w/clip
Black leather w/clip
Black leather w/case

I’ve been a reader of Street Tech for some years now. I came up with this idea a couple years ago and after some encouraged have decided to make my designs available.

Circadian Alarm Watch

Here’s a review of a watch that wakes you right at the moment you should get up (based on your circadian rhythms), in order to avoid feeling sluggish. According to the reviewer, it actually works and left him feeling refreshed on a lot less sleep.

Craigslist Goes Where No Site Has Gone Before

And you thought some of the personals and other postings on Craigslist were weird and out-o’-sight before, now they’ve literally been “spaced out.” The Deep Space Communications Network has beamed the first Web content into space and it “just happened to be” Craigslist. So, in the far future, aliens may be reading housing offers for “spacious room above my garage!” and personals like: “Discreet master looking for equally discreet slaves. No smokers or drama queens, please.”

[Via Designtechnica]

Killer Snakebot

How freakin’ cool is this, a snakebot that has tank treads on every segment, on all four sides. I wonder how well this scheme really works. SEEMS like a brilliant idea, but tread-based motility can be problematic and this baby has a LOT of tread. You’ll notice (from the text) that it’s also a tethered bot, which makes sense cause it probably sucks up LOTS o’ power.

PodShirts Launches

We’re taking all the credit. In a recent post, we were getting on Tomi’s case (the artist behind PodBrix) for only producing limited-edition versions of his cool, clever, and coveted LEGO- and iPod-related products. Today, he’s launched PodShirts, a commercial outlet for his work which’ll sell iPod-related merch, the first being a shirt similar to the one mentioned in our earlier post.

Access Your PC Files from Your Cellphone

Xdrive, the Net-based file storage service, has added a feature that will allow users to access their Xdrive-stored files from a Web-enabled cellphone, smartphone, or PDA. You can also allegedly listen to MP3 tunes stored on your Xdrive and access pictures stored there. As far as we can tell, this mobile access service is included in the regular $9.95/month Xdrive fee.

[Via Digital Science]