Our fine feathered friends over at Engadget have an exclusive first look at the new TiVo Desktop Software (version 2.1). It looks as though TiVo, Inc is already fully engaged in the cat and mouse game of fighting against unauthorized file copying. There appearsto be a built in access control list that prevents certain apps (such as Dr. DivX) from accessing the .tivo media files. Some other format conversion/disc-burner programs still work (for now anyway). On the TiVoToGo playback interface, Dave Zatz writes:
It offers the familiar green status bar, Tivo functions such as replay, and TiVo sound effects. The software makes it pretty easy to see which codecs and filters are being used and to make changes if needed. Second a little more good news. It seems they are phasing out the TiVo Playback Password…