iTunes 4.9 Supports Videocasting

It turns out that iTunes 4.9 supports vidcasting (or “videoblogging,” if you prefer), video items embedded into weblog entries. Lifehacker explains how to do it:

1. In iTunes 4.9, choose “Subscribe to podcast…” in the Advanced menu.
2. Paste in the URL of your feed, like say,
3. iTunes will display the feed, and start to download the most recent item. Under the Edit menu, select “Show Artwork.”
4. Double-click the item you want to view and it will play in the Artwork panel. You can go full screen by clicking on the right-most button in the set of buttons on the lower left under the Artwork pane.

Nifty! Post-brodcast TV, here we come!

Developer Disses Next-Gen Game Processors

Pocket protectors are all aflutter over an anonymous piece, posted on AnandTech, by a game developer who’s worked with both the Xbox 360 and Sony PS3 CPUs and says they’ve been way outstripped by their hype. He offers up the dirty details on the strengths and weaknesses of both chips.

The article, which went up this morning, was quickly pulled from the site. It’s been cached on Slashdot here. Not for those with weakened technical aptitude.

[Via Engadget]

FM Transmitter hack via Doc Searls

Doc Searls has a nice discussion of the workings of tiny FM transmitters for MP3 players, as well as a simple hack to extend their range. Basically, stick a headphone extender cable between your iPod and the transmitter, which serves as a crude antenna.

Command-Line Comes to the Web

Whoever would’ve thought that the Web would get a command-line interface? Whoever would’ve thought that such an interface could be so gosh-dang useful?

Yubnub bills itself as a “social command line” for the Web. Users are allowed to assign command-line type abbreviations to Web addresses and Web-based apps. There are, of course, hundreds of already assigned CL codes, many of them in familiar command-line syntax (“ls” for a list of available commands, “man” for the “manual” to the site (okay, it’s a lame little FAQ, but still…), “who” for a “whois” search, etc). Then there are Web-centric commands, like “g [search string]” for a Google search, “login [site URL]” to return a bugmenot site password, “torrentspy [name of media]” to search for matching bittorrent files). This software gets seriously useful when you install the Firefox search box plugin for it.

Podcasting Comes to iTunes

Look out, satellite radio, here comes The Brain …er… I mean Steve Jobs and his bid to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Apple has switched on the houselights for their Podcast subscription feature built into iTunes version 4.9. Now you can search on and subscribe to podcasts, see the top downloaded ‘casts, and I bet soon, view celebrity podcast subscription lists.

Systm 2 Takes on MythTV

Sorry for the slow blogfeed. I’ve been MIA on family business. Junior’s on his way to art school. Daddy’s tired.

Finally got a chance to view the second installed of Kevin Rose and Dan Huard’s Systm vidcast. This one is devoted to building a PC box dedicated to running MythTV, the Linux-based, open source alternative to TiVo. The installation how-to trips along at light speed, and will fail weaker hearts, but combining this visual show and tell with online docs and discussions should be enough to get moderately tech-savvy techies up and running.

How Do You Build a Portable Boom Box Using a Car Battery?

I have a project that I need some help with. Way…..way back in college, I was at an outdoor party. The music that was being provided was from a home-built car stereo (cassette, not 8-track) equipped with 2 car speakers and an equalizer all built into a wooden box the size of a boom box. It was hooked up to a car battery. I thought this was ingenious. It ran all day. It has stuck in my mind all these years. Does anyone know of a how-to book or article?


One Free Minute is a cool-looking sculptural object that broadcasts your phoned-in rants, for up to one minute. You call the number, and if the sculpture is “live,” your rant is broadcast for all to hear. If not, it gets stored on an answering machine for later playback. Right now, the sculpture resides in “America’s demographically average city” Columbus, Ohio, but plans are in the works to take the sculptural mouthpiece on the road. Exercise your right to free speech (while there’s still time).