Virus Alert

The only upside to having an email address that gets 200 spam emails a week is that I usually get advance warning of email scams;

“Hello there,

I would like to inform you about important information regarding your email address. This email address will be expiring. Please read attachment for details.

Best regards, Administrator”

It should go without saying that one should always ignore email messages like this, but one always need to be reminded, I guess. I don’t know what this one does, and I don’t want to know. Never, ever open an attachment from someone you don’t know. Even if it claims to be an admin.

Update: Turns out it’s called MiMail, and if you open the email your computer gets a bad file loaded that’ll totally crash your system (can’t virus writers think of anything original?). Apparently it’s spreading like wildfire — it was profiled on NPR today. Aren’t you glad you read StreetTech? 🙂