Yet another virus alert from the ST Early Warning System. The SoBig.F worm, which is the latest iteration of a worm that has been circulating for some time in forms .A through .E to this point, has hit pretty hard. In particular, Yahoo seems to be getting the brunt of it, since I’ve gotten nearly two dozen messages through that service today.
The virus is easily identifyable from the re: line, which usually reads “wicked Screensaver” “your details” “your application” or “that movie” with a .pif attachement of varying size between 99k and 101k. It’s a malicious worm, so don’t open any attachement of these sorts. It should be noted that the virus sender may not be the person in the “from” line — this virus alters that information before propagating itslef. So whoever it was at the Dept. of Treasury that got some email with the virus attached… It wasn’t ME!