From the Oddly Enough column, reports of a British man with a power tool who responds to calls from people who have been booted by the cops for illegal parking, and frees them of their shackles. Using an angle-grinder (hence this self-styled superhero’s name: Angle Grinder Man) this guy will cut the boot off any stranded motorist’s car for free. And he actually wears a blue bodysuit with AGM on the chest while doing it. Brilliant. Unfortunately only people in the England can call on this hero, as he does not seem to be able to fly at super-sonic speeds, but people all over the world can enjoy his “money shots” on his website, if a naked man with a power grinder is your cup-of-tea. I don’t know how long this guy is going to be able to continue doing this though, since he doesn’t seem to get the whole “secret identity” thing…