Fighting the Spam Robots

I hadn’t realized until Gareth pointed it out to me just HOW many spam comments were lurking in our story archives. I ran a query yesterday that deleted some 4000+ of crap posts selling viagra, cialis, clorapewhatever. And they’re being added at the rate of approximately 1 every 30 seconds. So until we can figure out a good way to nip this in the bud, I’m turning on comment moderation. If you’ve got a legit comment to make, BY ALL MEANS please do so, and we’ll do our best to approve them all. Hopefully we can turn moderation off once the spam problem’s been tackled.

Gareth Adds: I’m on here most of the day and into the night, so legit Comments should get approved almost immediately.

Tim Adds: Well that had exactly zero effect, so I’m turning moderation back off. Grrr.