While we’re thrilled and all with the latest Apple releases of iTunes 7, that matchbook of an MP3 player, the second-gen Shuffle, and the forthcoming iTV (I can hear the commercial TV death knells now), we also like our fruity computing a little on the retro tip. So, we were tickled in rainbow colors to see this how-to on sharing your Internet connection between a Mac and a Newton Message Pad via a Bluetooth connection. Obviously you need to have a Newton Bluetooth solutiion (which the piece links to specifics on that).
We have a Newton that’s kicking around the Labs here. It seems to work on odd days, or otherwise has a mind of its own as to when it wants to power up. But maybe we’ll catch it on a good day and see if we can’t “Hello World” that puppy into cyberspace, just for kicks. Anybody got one of the compatible Bluetooth cards handy?